Information in English
The Swedish National Hip Fracture Registry (RIKSHÖFT)
The Swedish national quality registry for hip fracture care was initiated in 1988 with the intent of following the lasting effects of medical and surgical treatment, nursing, rehabilitation and technological advancements on patients with hip fractures. The elderly population is increasing and it’s important to follow up this fragile group of patient after they have sustained a hip fracture. With Rikshöft it is possible to control that every older person with a hip fracture receives equal care in Sweden. RIKSHÖFT participates in “Health in numbers” (www. vardenisiffror.com) with five indicators – time until surgery, length of stay, indoors walking ability, outdoors walking ability 4 months after a hip fracture and level of pain after hip fracture. RIKSHÖFT’s data is continuously used by regional councils, a number of Swedish authorities, WHO and international hip fracture registries for data comparisons.
Today, there are more than 320 000 patients registered in RIKSHÖFT. Patients with hip fractures need considerable rehabilitation efforts immediately after surgery and follow-up is necessary after patients have been discharged from the hospital. The registration method in RIKSHÖFT provides a particular kind of quality control, since we follow our patients from the moment the fracture occurs and four months afterwards. The strength of the RIKSHÖFT registry is the fact that it follows up on the patient’s de facto function, which is provided by the patient or someone close to them already after four months. Almost 30% of all patients with hip fracture have died a year later and during that time a lot of other things could have affected these older individuals.